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your solution for a dryer, healthier indoor climate

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Ausclimate this week on Healthy Homes

Ausclimate on Healthy Homes

We’re very proud to be featured in this week’s episode of Channel TEN’s Healthy Homes Australia. Healthy Homes are lifting the lid on the dangers of mould and household toxins with us in this week’s episode. Friend of Ausclimate and CEO/founder of the Australian College of Environmental Studies, Nicole Bijlsma makes a very informative appearance and gives some fantastic insight on the topic. Very interesting stuff!

So make sure to tune in to Healthy Homes Australia – this Saturday the 29th of April at 12.55pm on TEN.

Thanks Healthy Homes!


Russell Bryan
Ausclimate Co-founder

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An Air Purifier Can Help My Voice?

Elisa Photo

Sometimes our customers find surprising uses for our Dehumidifier & Air Purifier products that we don’t even know about. We were wowed when we received this stunning testimonial from Holistic Voice and Presentation Coach, Elisa James of Elisa James Haps VoicePro. Elisa purchased one of our Winix Air Purifiers to provide relief from her allergy & hay fever symptoms. As a professional speaker & voice coach/trainer, Elisa noted to us just how damaging respiratory disorders like asthma, allergies & hay fever can be to your overall voice quality. A quality air purifier can prove a vital tool in keeping these respiratory triggers at bay, without the side-effects of anti-histamines and asthma inhalers.

“As a voice coach, that also suffers from allergies and hayfever from Australian pollens and grasses, I have had a lot of students come to me with voice issues who suffer from similar problems. The only trouble is that, the medications we take to combat the symptoms of hayfever and allergies can have an adverse effect on the voice. It is very drying for the vocal folds, and sometimes even makes the voice croaky and raspy sounding. I needed to find a better solution for myself after making the decision to move back to Australia, and had no interest in turning to pills as a permanent solution. The first 2 years of being back home, I was extremely ill many times per year from Asthma and respiratory issues simply from being exposed to all my allergic triggers again. After being in and out of hospital many times I was desperate for a better, more Holistic Solution. That’s when I started researching Air-Purifiers.

After many days and hours of searching I found Ausclimate’s Winix – and I can honestly say that it has changed my life! My husband and I were seriously considering moving back to Europe, to where I had NO trouble with illness at all. To my surprise, from the very first day of using the unit, I was a different person! The day I made the call to Allan, I was miserable and having difficulty breathing as the Asthma symptoms just would not go away. Now, I use my unit every day and since purchasing it a few months ago- have had no respiratory issues whatsoever.

I highly recommend this unit to anyone who is speaker, trainer or voice-user in their job and especially if you have suffered from allergies. Now, I can remain drug-free and symptom free even when others around me are suffering! It is such a HUGE lifestyle shift and I couldn’t be happier!”

If you find that you sometimes suffer from a raspy or tired voice, I’m addition to using a quality Air-Purifier, Elisa notes some handy, simple steps that can be a great help:

Everyday voice improvement tips:
1. Make sure you stay hydrated as the mucosal lining of the vocal folds needs fluid to stay flexible.
2. Breathe fresh, clean air when you can and minimize the air-conditioned environment.
3. Suck lozenges that will support your immune system, not those that deliver pain relief or anti-inflammatories. The medicated lozenges can dry out your throat and make it harder for your vocal folds to function. Sambucol are a good brand, as they deliver good quality herbs that support the immune function and assist healing with Vitamin C, Zinc and Elderberry.
4. Stay away from foods that exacerbate mucous production : E.g: Dairy.

Thank you so much Elisa for the kind words & handy tips!

If you are experiencing any issues with your speaking voice, or simply wish to improve the aesthetic quality and reliability of your voice – OR would like to improve your public speaking & presentation skills, please get in touch with Elisa at or call 0437 536 333. Elisa offers a free phone consultation to all new clients. You can also find her on Facebook at Haps VoicePro Facebook

If you would like to find out more about our range of Ausclimate Air Purifiers & Dehumidifiers, please visit our website, or give us a call. Always here to help!


Allan Bryan
Ausclimate Co-founder

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